Minggu, 23 November 2008

Ethics and Business is pa lemo

Review of Chapter I

Ethics and Business

Ethics is the thing that we feel right and wrong. According to the dictionary, the term ethics has a variety of different meaninimg_0155gs. One of the meanings given to it is: “the principles conduct governing an individual or a group.”

Morality is the standards that an individual or a group has about what is right and wrong, or good and evil. Moral standard include the norms we have about the kinds of actions we believe are morally right and wrong as well as the values we place on the kinds of objects we believe to be morally good and morally bad. Ethics is the discipline that examines one’s moral standards or the moral standards of the society.

Business ethic is a specialized study of moral right and wrong that concentrate on moral standards as they apply to business institutions, organizations, and behavior. In the organizations, the ethics must be applied, because is the important way to keep their employee as a human that must be responsible on that.

Technology and Business Ethics

Technology consists of all those methods, processes, and tools that human invent to manipulate their environment. New technologies developed in the closing decades of the 20th century and the opening years of the 21st century are again transforming society and business and creating the potential for new ethical problems.

These technologies spurred a number of changes, such as increasingly rapid globalization and the decreasing importance of distance; the rise of new ways to communicate and transfer any kind of media; instanteously from one place to another; the acceleration of change as product life’s cycles get shorter gang revolutionary new products are invented and marketed ever more quickly; and the ability to create new life forms and new mechanism whose benefits and risks are unpredictable.

Moral Development and Moral Reasoning

Moral Development we sometimes assume that a person’s values are formed during childhood and do not change after that. As children, we are simply told what is right and what is wrong. And we obey so as to avoid punishment: The child’s adherence to moral standards is essentially based on a self-absorbed avoidance of pain.

Moral Reasoning is the reasoning process by which human behaviors, institutions, or policies are judge to be in accordance with or in violation of moral standards. This things also include: (1) an understanding of what reasonable moral standards require, prohibit, value, or condemn; and (2) evidence or information that shows that a particular person, policy, institution or behavior has the kinds of features that the moral standards require, prohibit, value, or condemn.

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